Chic Gites

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On the 1st March 2017 I will finally, weather permitting, set off to row the Atlantic Ocean. Now I know what some of you will be thinking - ...

Friday, 31 March 2017

We're not celebrating yet....

A quick blog from Niall:

Relatively busy few days here. On Wednesday morning we passed the half way point of the trip. Not much celebrations really as we all understand there is still a very long way to go. Equipment failure and adverse weather conditions remain the 2 big unknowns. Of course it's nice to know that the long countdown to home has begun but 3-4 more weeks of this brutal schedule remains too much to contemplate at the moment. 

Yesterday we had the biggest low so far when our third and final autohelm arm failed. Having to manually helm from here would add 10-15 days to our crossing- time we could certainly do without. We spent a few hours working with Simon Chalk (most experienced Atlantic rower ever) who was kind enough to help and finally found a fix for the third arm. I cannot explain the relief when it successfully kicked into action. So far so good but we remain one breakdown away from disaster again - this crossing finds new and better ways to torture us everyday. We've now mobilised (thanks Helen) a number of internet forums (fora?) who are working on finding a fix for our first two arms - people really are great sometimes. 

Despite all this we are still on target for the World Record


  1. Chris and I are following your journey closely Niall and crew, best of luck to you all and bon courage! I can't imagine the challenges you're facing and the depths to which you must dig. I know your families will be glad to have you on solid ground as soon as possible to keep it up!! Sending all our love and positivity!

    1. Thanks Bree. I will be sure to send on your message. We can't wait to get up to Paris and see you guys. September hopefully xx
